My heart racing Thumping Vibrating my eardrum Will I make it through?  Sweating  Remembering  Why? What happened? What caused it? Should I inhale? Leave?! Deep breathes Calming thoughts Outweighed Breathing slows  Thoughts increase Fight, fight, fight Fight thoughts. Fight him. Fight it.  Lying down but body still erect Emotions skip To another body until it’s over  -TanyaG... Continue Reading →

Can I Come Up…

Can I come up to the place that keeps you sane? Where the wind blows all your cares away. Where the freedom pushes you to soar in the universe of opportunities. Where the clouds impersonate your long lost imaginary friends. Where the beautiful blue sky takes you into a day dream filled with miracles that energizes all your senses. Where the squirrels... Continue Reading →

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